Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wild Olive Tees

 Since the last post, we have been chugging away on the paperwork for our international adoption.  We are only a few documents away from completing our home study so we can get our USCIS paperwork done.  My goal (realistic or not) is to be DTE (that's Dossier to Ethiopia) for Christmas.  

This means I need to have our homestudy approved in the next few weeks so we can file our application with USCIS, get that USCIS approval letter and send our Dossier to Ethiopia.

♪♫ All I want for Christmas is 
a DTE, a DTE, a DTE ♪♫

As I read the blogs of parents in the online adoption community, I see LOTS of fundraising efforts on behalf of bringing little ones home to their forever families.

Wild Olive Tees is our next fabulous fundraiser.  
Here is their mission:

"Wild Olive adoption tees have been created as a means to help families fundraise for their impending adoption. Our goal is to partner with adoptive families to help them gain support from friends and family to offset the cost of their adoption, and in turn, help bring children home to their forever families!"

What a blessing for these adoptive mommies to have this heart...  
Thank you Wild Olive Tees!

Christmas is coming, so get some shopping done!
Our fundraising period is 
NOW thru December 14th.  JANUARY 11TH!
(Thanks Wild Olive Tees for extending <3)

Click the Wild Olive icon or  "fabulous fundraiser" above to order yours today.  Be sure to use our family code ROGERS1019 when on the check-out screen so that Wild Olive Tees can track our fundraising.

Speaking of Christmas...
we still have our
 coffee store open at
  Just Love Coffee <=== Click Here
 to order.
Ethiopian Sidamo has quickly become the favorite coffee around here! 

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